
Estrogen – What’s New, What’s True

Healthy aging requires estrogen.

At the time of the Revolutionary War, only one American woman in twenty lived to the age of 50 (to experience menopause). The average life expectancy for women was 32.
In 1900, life expectancy had increased to 50.
Today, the average American woman lives to 84 years.

Less than 10% of women older than 70, are able to retain vigorous good health with hormone supplementation. Supplementing estrogen prevents 85% of osteoporosis.

In 2002, a study of 16,000 women taking Premarin and Progestin reported an increase risk of breast cancer. In 2007, these findings were reversed and actually found a 20% lower risk of breast cancer in users of estrogen.

Studies conducted over the past 15 years show that women who take estrogen have:

1. 37% reduction in hearth disease
2. 30% fewer bone fractures
3. 18% less breast cancer
4. 11% fewer strokes
5. 29% longer life

When women take progesterone with their estrogen, they decrease their risk of uterine cancer by approximately 20%.

Supplementing testosterone has been shown to enhance satisfaction in sex. Testosterone not only improves libido, but also supports good bone density, muscle tone, and decreases incidences of diabetes.

Women tend to blame estrogen for weight gain during menopause. Studies show that women who are not taking estrogen weigh about 8 pounds more after five years of menopause than those who took hormones.

When estrogen levels start to fall, there is a drop in the production of collagen and elastin within the inner layers of the skin. The thinner skin is more easily injured and may appear translucent or shiny.

Of hundreds of women tested in menopause, not one performed better without estrogen. The majority of women did at least 30% better in all areas of mental activity when they were using estrogen supplements.

Estrogen Supplements in older women is a “Quality of Life Issue”.

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